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Here's a little thing I wrote in English class for lack of things to do, due to boredom...

It's rather brief, but well said. It's been revised once for presentation but besides that, heres the origanal...

Brand new CD's from emerging artists are stocked in
Christian bookstores across the nation. Those clear
plastic cases with their illuminating color and
powerful essence lure in the consumer into buying
years of work wrapped in a plastic seal. Rarely,
people stop and think of the record label company who,
like farmers, help artists plant a seed to absorb the
love of the music. Later that seed grows and
develops, and comes time read to harvest. Then, the
band releases another album, harvests the grown plant
and creates another seed. For seeds to be
manufactured, talent is needed. Talent and great
style walk hand-in-hand and are the prime subjects of
record labels everywhere. Either by a talent search
or a lucky draw of a card, new bands show up, hoping
to further their career in music. If you have what ir
takes, you're accepted, and birth is given to our
band. The rollercoasster ride begins. Concerts,
websites, fan clubs, and money emerges from the seed
that was planted. This means interaction with your
fans. An artist or band has to retain a social
stature, or else you won't have fans. Than you won't
have a band anymore. When the last harvest occurs.